Choose Nmark for better result
a consultant can streamline and optimize your application,
making all the difference in achieving a successful outcome.
A clear and compelling submission can greatly
enhance your chances of approval.
Australia is home to five of the best thirty student cities in the world. This means that there are plenty of amazing places for you to live and study. How should you choose which Australian location is right for you and your ambitions? The following information provides you with an overview of life in Australia and will help determine where you should go for the best studying experience. Australia is recognized as a great place to live – but did you know Australia also offers a world-class education?
The Australian education system has produced scientists, designers, educators, entrepreneurs, artists, and humanitarians who have changed the world, winning awards from Oscars to Nobel prizes. Their global achievements include the “black box” now on every airplane, the Earth hour initiative, and the invention of Wi-Fi. Australia is proud of the individuals who have studied and worked in Australia (whether they were born here or another country) and gone on to achieve great things and contribute to making the world a better.
Nmark Education – helps students assess your goals and choose the best educational path to maximize your talents and resources.
Minimum Required Documents for Study Visa
- Min 2.8 GPA (UG) / 2.0 (PG).
- IELTS 6.0 (UG) / 6.5 (PG) or eqv.
- Study GAP Acceptable with supporting documents.
- With Spouse (case by case).
Financial Documents
- Education loan from A class bank or savings with source.
- Regular income stream with evidence ( Parents, siblings & extended family member)
GS requirement
- Your current circumstances
- Meet course requirements & living conditions.
- how completing the course will be of benefit to you.
Popular Courses
Nursing and
nursing and midwifery
Information Technology
and Computing
IT and computing
Early Childhood
and Community services
earlychcildcare and cocmmunity services
Cookery / Kitchen
cookery orkitchen management
Carpentry and
Building Construction
Carpentry and building construction
Engineering and
Popular Cities
Sydney is
Melbourne is
Perth offers
Adelaide and Tas
adelaide and Tasmania